Nov 11, 2008

Obama's National Security Force

Congressman Broun's warnings about authoritarian tendencies in the coming Obama administration are not to be dismissed. Broun points to the fact that Obama has called for a "national security force", as well armed, trained and funded as the U.S. Army, Navy, Marines and Air Force. Not only would this effectively be the build-up of a parallel military in the United States, but it would also, ostensibly, require a doubling of military expenditures.

Alternatively, Obama has in mind a cut by 50 percent of Pentagon's budget. Either way, the talk of a national security force is reminiscent of what authoritarian regimes around the world have done to solidify and perpetuate their hold on power. In this view, Obama's remark comes across as reckless, especially since he alleges that this national security force would take some national security burdens off the military. But the United States already has a domestic national security force, namely the National Guard. Therefore, he must come clean on what he is referring to.

Obama has already, effectively, created a third party within the Democrat party. He has close ties to Acorn for voter registration/mobilization. A national security force created to his design and his desires would only add to the impression that Obama is trying to become a ruler, not a president. He must turn the tide on those impressions quickly, or else he risks hurling America in to political turmoil.

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